Bugs in quantum mechanics


Written by Dylan Holmes

I studied quantum mechanics the same way I study most subjects— by collecting (and squashing) bugs in my understanding. One of these bugs persisted throughout two semesters of quantum mechanics coursework until I finally found the paper Self-adjoint extensions of operators and the teaching of quantum mechanics, which helped me stamp out the bug entirely. I decided to write an article about the problem and its solution for a number of reasons:

Table of Contents

1 Two methods of calculation that give different results.

In the infinitely deep well, there is a particle in the the normalized state

\(\psi(x) = \begin{cases}A\; x(x-a)&\text{for }0\lt{}x\lt{}a;\\0,&\text{for }x\lt{}0\text{ or }x>a.\end{cases}\)

This is apparently a perfectly respectable state: it is normalized (\(A\) is a normalization constant), it is zero everywhere outside of the well, and it is moreover continuous.

Even so, we will find a problem if we attempt to calculate the average energy-squared of this state (that is, the quantity \(\langle \psi | H^2 | \psi \rangle\)).

1.1 First method

For short, define a new variable1 \(|\bar \psi\rangle \equiv H|\psi\rangle\). We can express the state \(|\bar\psi\rangle\) as a function of \(x\) because we know how to express \(H\) and \(\psi\) in terms of \(x\): \(H\) is the differential operator \(\frac{-\hbar^2}{2m}\frac{d^2}{dx^2}\), and \(\psi(x)\) is the function defined above. So, we get \(\quad\bar\psi(x) = \frac{-A\hbar^2}{m}\). For future reference, observe that \(\bar\psi(x)\) is constant.

Having introduced \(|\bar\psi\rangle\), we can calculate the average energy-squared of \(|\psi\rangle\) in the following way.

\(\begin{eqnarray} \langle \psi | H^2 |\psi\rangle &=& \langle \psi H^\dagger | H \psi\rangle\\ &=& \langle \psi H | H\psi \rangle\\ &=& \langle \bar\psi | \bar\psi \rangle\\ &=& \int_0^a \left(\frac{A\hbar^2}{m}\right)^2\;dx\\ &=& \frac{A^2\hbar^4 a}{m^2}\\ \end{eqnarray}\)

For future reference, observe that this value is nonzero (which makes sense).

1.2 Second method

We can also calculate the average energy-squared of \(|\psi\rangle\) in the following way.

\begin{eqnarray} \langle \psi | H^2 |\psi\rangle &=& \langle \psi | H\,H \psi \rangle\\ &=& \langle \psi |H \bar\psi \rangle\\ &=&\int_0^a Ax(x-a) \left(\frac{-\hbar^2}{2m}\frac{d^2}{dx^2}\right)\frac{-A\hbar^2}{m}\;dx\\ &=& 0\quad (!)\\ \end{eqnarray}

The second-to-last term must be zero because the second derivative of a constant \(\left(\frac{-A\hbar^2}{m}\right)\) is zero.

2 What is the problem?

To recap: We used two different methods to calculate the average energy-squared of a state \(|\psi\rangle\). For the first method, we used the fact that \(H\) is a hermitian operator, replacing \(\langle \psi H^\dagger | H \psi\rangle\) with \(\langle \psi H | H \psi\rangle\). Using this substitution rule, we calculated the answer.

For the second method, we instead used the fact that we know how to represent \(H\) and \(\psi\) as functions of \(x\): \(H\) is a differential operator \(\frac{-\hbar^2}{2m}\frac{d^2}{dx^2}\) and \(\psi\) is a quadratic function of \(x\). By applying \(H\) to \(\psi\), we took several derivatives and arrived at our answer.

These two methods gave different results. In the following sections, I'll describe and analyze the source of this difference.

2.1 Physical operators only act on physical wavefunctions

Physical states are represented as wavefunctions in quantum mechanics. Just as we disallow certain physically nonsensical states in classical mechanics (for example, we consider it to be nonphysical for an object to spontaneously disappear from one place and reappear in another), we also disallow certain wavefunctions in quantum mechanics.

For example, since wavefunctions are supposed to correspond to probability amplitudes, we require wavefunctions to be normalized \((\langle \psi |\psi \rangle = 1)\). Generally, we disallow wavefunctions that do not satisfy this property (although there are some exceptions2).

As another example, we generally expect probability to vary smoothly—if a particle is very likely or very unlikely to be found at a particular location, it should also be somewhat likely or somewhat unlikely to be found near that location. In more precise terms, we expect that for physically meaningful wavefunctions, the probability \(\text{Pr}(x)=\int^x \psi^*\psi\) should be a continuous function of \(x\) and, again, we disallow wavefunctions that do not satisfy this property because we consider them to be physically nonsensical.

So, physical wavefunctions must satisfy certain properties like the two just described. Wavefunctions that do not satisfy these properties are rejected for being physically nonsensical: even though we can perform calculations with them, the mathematical results we obtain do not mean anything physically.

Now, in quantum mechanics, an operator is a function that converts states into other states. Some operators correspond to physical quantities such as energy, momentum, or position, and as a result, the mathematical properties of these operators correspond to physical properties of the system. Such operators are called hermitian operators; one important property of hermitian operators is this rule:

Hermitian operator rule: A hermitian operator must only operate on the wavefunctions we have deemed physical, and must only produce physical wavefunctions3.

As you can see, this rule comes in two pieces. The first part is a constraint on you, the physicist: you must never feed a nonphysical state into a Hermitian operator, as it may produce nonsense. The second part is a constraint on the operator: the operator is guaranteed only to produce physical wavefunctions.

In fact, this rule for hermitian operators is the source of our problem, as we unknowingly violated it when applying our second method!

2.2 The Hamiltonian is nonphysical

You'll remember that in the second method we had wavefunctions within the well

\( \begin{eqnarray} \psi(x) &=& A\;x(x-a)\\ \bar\psi(x)&\equiv& H|\psi\rangle = \frac{-A\hbar^2}{m}\\ \end{eqnarray} \)

Using this, we wrote

\(\begin{eqnarray} \langle \psi | H^2 |\psi\rangle &=& \langle \psi | H\,H \psi \rangle\\ &=& \langle \psi |H \bar\psi \rangle\\ & \vdots&\\ &=& 0\\ \end{eqnarray}\)

However, there are two issues here. First, we were not allowed to operate with \(H\) on the wavefunction \(|\bar \psi\rangle\), because \(H\) is supposed to be a physical operator and \(|\bar \psi\rangle\) is a nonphysical state. Indeed, the constant function \(|\bar\psi\rangle\) does not approach zero at the edges of the well. By feeding \(H\) a nonphysical wavefunction, we obtained nonsensical results.

Second, and more importantly, we were wrong to claim that \(H\) was a physical operator—that \(H\) was hermitian. According to the rule, a hermitian operator must convert physical states into other physical states. But \(|\psi\rangle\) is a physical state, as we said when we first introduced it —it is a normalized, continuous function which approaches zero at the edges of the well and doesn't exist outside it. On the other hand, \(|\bar\psi\rangle\) is nonphysical because it does not go to zero at the edges of the well. It is therefore impermissible for \(H\) to transform the physical state \(|\psi\rangle\) into the nonphysical state \(|\bar\psi\rangle\). Because \(H\) converts some physical states into nonphysical states, it cannot be a hermitian operator as we assumed.

2.3 Boundary conditions alter hermiticity

It may surprise you (and it certainly surprised me) to find that the Hamiltonian is not hermitian. One of the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics is that hermitian operators correspond to physically observable quantities; for this reason, surely the Hamiltonian—the operator corresponding to energy—ought to be hermitian?

But we must understand the correspondence between physically observable quantities and hermitian operators: every hermitian operator corresponds to a physically observable quantity, but not every quantity that intuitively “ought” to be observable will correspond to a hermitian operator4. The true definition of a hermitian operator imply that the Hamiltonian stops being hermitian in the infinitely deep well. Here we arrive at a crucial point:

Operators do not change form between problems: the one-dimensional Hamiltonian is always \(H=\frac{-\hbar^2}{2m}\frac{d^2}{dx^2}+V\), the one-dimensional canonical momentum is always \(P=i\hbar\frac{d}{dx}\), and so on.

However, operators do change in this respect: hermitian operators must only take in physical states, and must only produce physical states; because in different problems we do change the requirements for being a physical state, we also change what it takes for an operator to be called hermitian. As a result, an operator that is hermitian in one setting may fail to be hermitian in another.

Having seen how boundary conditions can affect hermiticity, we ought to be extra careful about which conditions we impose on our wavefunctions.

2.4 Choosing the right constraints

We have said already that physicists require wavefunctions to satisfy certain properties in order to be deemed “physical”. To be specific, wavefunctions in the infinitely deep well

  • Must be normalizable, because they correspond to probability amplitudes.
  • Must have smoothly-varying probability, because if a particle is very likely to be at a location, it ought to be likely to be near it as well.
  • Must not exist outside the well, because it would take an infinite amount of energy to do so.

These conditions are surely reasonable. However, physicists sometimes assert that in order to satisfy the second and third conditions, physical wavefunctions

  • (?) Must smoothly approach zero towards the edges of the well.

This final constraint is our reason for rejecting \(|\bar\psi\rangle\) as nonphysical and is consequently the reason why \(H\) is not hermitian. If we can convince ourselves that the final constraint is unnecessary, \(H\) may again be hermitian. This will satisfy our intuitions that the energy operator ought to be hermitian.

But in fact, we have the following mathematical observation to save us: a function \(f\) does not need to be continuous in order for the integral \(\int^x f\) to be continuous. As a particularly relevant example, you may now notice that the function \(\bar\psi(x)\) is not itself continuous, although the integral \(\int_0^x \bar\psi\) is continuous. Evidently, it doesn't matter that the wavefunction \(\bar\psi\) itself is not continuous; the probability corresponding to \(\bar\psi\) does manage to vary continuously anyways. Because the probability corresponding to \(\bar\psi\) is the only aspect of \(\bar\psi\) which we can detect physically, we can safely omit the final constraint while keeping the other three.

2.5 Symmetric operators look like hermitian operators, but sometimes aren't.


1 I'm defining a new variable just to make certain expressions look shorter; this cannot affect the content of the answer we'll get.

2 For example, in vaccuum (i.e., when the potential of the physical system is \(V(x)=0\) throughout all space), the momentum eigenstates are not normalizable—the relevant integral blows up to infinity instead of converging to a number. Physicists modify the definition of normalization slightly so that “delta-normalizable ” functions like these are included among the physical wavefunctions.

3 If you require a hermitian operator to have physical eigenstates (which is reasonable), you get a very strong result: you guarantee that the operator will convert every physical wavefunction into another physical wavefunction:

For any linear operator \(\Omega\), the eigenvalue equation is \(\Omega|\omega\rangle = \omega |\omega\rangle\). Notice that if an eigenstate \(|\omega\rangle\) is a physical wavefunction, the eigenvalue equation forces \(\Omega|\omega\rangle\) to be a physical wavefunction as well. To elaborate, if the eigenstates of \(\Omega\) are physical functions, then \(\Omega\) is guaranteed to convert them into other physical functions. Even more is true if the operator \(\Omega\) is also hermitian: there is a theorem which states that “If Ω is hermitian, then every physical wavefunction can be written as a weighted sum of eigenstates of Ω.” This theorem implies that if \(\Omega\) is hermitian, and if the eigenstates of Ω are physically allowed, then Ω is guaranteed to convert every physically allowed wavefunction into another physically allowed wavefunction.

4 For a simple example, consider the differential operator \(D=\frac{d}{dx}\); although our intuitions might suggest that \(D\) is observable which leads us to guess that \(D\) is hermitian, it isn't. Still, the very closely related operator \(P=i\hbar\frac{d}{dx}\) is hermitian. The point is that we ought to validate our intuitions by checking the definitions.

Date: 2012-04-26 21:09:51 UTC

Author: Dylan Holmes

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